Have a wonderful New Years Eve! I am excited to spend some time with some great friends as we ring in the New Year! We are having a wine and cheese party... can you say YUM?!
And since you made your way through this post, here's a good chuckle for you! We were reliving Christmas memories and this one just cracks us up every time! It's Christmas morning and we are about to open presents with our immediate family. My sister asks my mom what kind of Nook she got my dadd. (We were all going to pitch in since that's all he REALLY REALLY wanted!) My mom then proceeded to laugh and say what do you mean...you got the Nook! This led to some funny glances and a burst of laugher after an initial freak out! That's right... neither of them had gotten the Nook. We had no present for my dad! AHH! WE whipped up a quick little note on the computer telling him we wanted him to pick out the exact one he wanted! HAHAHA :) No worries, we came clean to him!
Have a New Year full of love and LAUGHTER...LAUGHTER is key! ;)