Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm Back!!!

Hello everyone!  I don't even know if anyone is still there!  I haven't blogged in a long long time, but I'm excited to be back!  I have a good reason for being gone...I had a baby!!  I had a sweet baby girl!!  I was miserably sick throughout most of my pregnancy.  For the first trimester I couldn't even look at a computer screen I was so nauseous.  Now that's behind me and I've been enjoying spending time with this little angel.

I have some new products that I've been working on...
The first one is...

Adding 3 Numbers

This mini unit includes task cards, activities, and printables and will be available for only $2!  Before I put it in my Teachers pay Teachers shop, I'd love to have a few people proofread it.  Proofers will get the finished product for free!   Leave a comment with your email address and I'll send the first two people the file!


  1. Congratulations on your little one!

    I love to proofread, so if you need help, my email is tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks, Suzy! I sent an email your way! :)

  2. I'd love the chance to proofread if you still need someone! Congratulations on your sweetie!

    1. Thanks, Gina! I sent an email your way! :)

  3. Congrats on you baby girl! I know I'm a little late but I can proofread too!
