Saturday, April 13, 2013

Five for Friday and a Freebie! {On Saturday!}

Well, I'm a day late, but why not still join the fun?!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for the oh so fun Five for Friday!

1. We went on a Field Trip to see the Junie B. Jones play.  If it's in your area and your kids love Junie B. as much as mine do- make sure you check it out.  It's presented by Theater Works USA!

2.  We've been reviewing telling time this week.  We have also gone over other names for time and elapsed time.  Here are a few fun websites that my students enjoyed.

3.  The Story of Me
Have you seen Amy Lemon's freebie The Story of Me?  Check it out.  It's fabulous.  I've extended it by creating a brainstorming page and doubling the writing portion for my second graders.  We laminate the cover and they are so excited for their own personal book!

4.  Rain, Rain go away...
I know it's April, but it has rained all week here.  Chilly and gloomy- no fun!

5.  ABC Countdown
The end of the year is coming quickly.  We always add some excitement to the end of the year by doing an ABC countdown.  The kids just go crazy over it.  They get so excited!! :-)  There are so many fun options, but I am attaching a little freebie with the note we send home to the parents and some ideas.  I hope it helps you create your own and add some new ideas to your end of the year fun!  It's in word so it can be editable!

 Freebie Fridays


  1. I can't believe the amount of people who are done in May! I go until around the third week of June...but I do have a week off in May, so I guess I will survive! I love your idea of using the alphabet for the end of the year!
    Enchanting Elementary

    1. Oh man- I can't imagine going that late. We do start early in August though - that part is brutal! Hang in here and here's to a happy end of the year! :)

  2. Love your ABCs idea! Going to do this for sure. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. You bet! It is a total blast, and it gives everyone a little extra burst of energy those last 26 days!

  3. Oh goodness - my friends would go wild from Junnie B...even the boys! They will read anything with her name on it.

    That is quite the end-of-year routine. I am sure your friends love it! :) Have a wonderful week, Katie.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

    1. YES!! They would have just loved it! It was so fun to watch my kiddos enthralled with the play! :) We even made Junie B. Jones masks and did a Junie B. story mad lib prior to going!! Seriously- the end of the year ABC countdown is just so much fun. It's actually not too much work at all either. Our school does it in 1-5 grades. Each grade level creates their own and they are a little different from each other. The kids really look forward to it! Have a great weekend too, Catherine! :) Thanks for the comment! :)
